Hello, we are the Tektons .

We specialize in Application Development, Branding and Design.
Get in touch to discuss how we could help you


Projects Build


Customer Happy

Years of Experience

Better solutions for your business

We merge Imagination and technology


We help future focused companies transform their existing digital products or launch brand new ones. We work in partnership to deliver customer-centric solutions, push technology boundaries and deliver value at speed through agility.

Product Design

Perceptions of a brand are increasingly driven by how they are experienced within the digital space. We help companies of all sizes create tangible relationships between brand and user, through unique and ownable motion, interaction and visual design.

Application Development

Our application development team has unique approaches that provide exceptional customer experiences.

Crafted to Perfection for your business

These are the words we live by in everything we do.

Website Development

We design and develop industry-leading websites that define categories and position our clients to succeed in an interconnected world. We have a lot of experience doing it and, most importantly, we build them the right way; scaleable, fast, and with your users’ needs and expectations top of mind.


eCommerce is all about experience, and we craft and co-create experiences that are both purposeful and equally profitable. Digital brand building through eCommerce channels fuels business growth and the bottom-line.

UX Research

We help businesses of all shapes and sizes identify and address some of the biggest digital challenges they may be facing. From membership organisations to global blue-chip companies, we know there’s no magic bullet to fixing your digital strategy. With the right mix of tools, research and experience, we’ll provide you with tangible solutions and an actionable roadmap.

About us

We craft solutions with the intersection of art ,design and Technology .


Lending form to your most abstract ambitions, beautifully .


Helping you bridge the gap between performing and excelling .


Develop solutions that help take your business to the next level .


Depicting your business in exactly the sort of light you would want it to be seen .


Our creative process is driven by collaborative brain-storming .


The end result is a product that excites it’s users and cements your brand's vision .

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